The Barnyard Bible Study

A place to discuss the Bible and its implications on life as we know it

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Location: Sacramento Valley,Ca., United States

Just an every day American countryboy, constitutional federalist and God-fearing Patriot.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


My apologies for not posting in a while, I have been at Pastor Tim's site where we exchanged apololgies and agreed to work towards furthering the Lord. We arrived on different boats with different journeys to Him. The important thing is we both believe Christ is our Savior. I hope he and his wife will become active participants here as I intend to be one there. I have learned much in our heated debate and I hope my readers will venture over to his page as well. I love to discuss apologetics and how to advance The Good Word. Tim is hardcore evangelical, I am evangelical lite, freewill Christian that hates being told what to do, Scots-Irish blood. My point is we should not dwell on how we interpret the Lord's word rather that we should join to fight for it as many continue their attacks on us. United, we stand, divided , we fall. I don't like to fall!!!! Warriors for Christ must mount up and prepare!


Blogger Cabe said...

Pastor Tim?

Since when does the Toolman let Wilson control his life?

1:11 AM  
Blogger Goat said...

Polly, I pray that y'all have a very merry Christmas ! I hope you two will join me here for discussion of our Lord Jesus. My approach is unconventional and even controversial at times though in no ways averse to His teachings of everlasting life through Him. I promise to make you mad enough to think deep and hard. I am not a teacher though possibly the toughest student you will encounter. It is my nature to challenge the status quo and to question all I am tought, to me, a good thing, keeps me sharp. I am sorry Tim had to quit blogging because of the jerks distracting him from his ministry, a real shame. Tim does need to understand that we all come to Christ by different routes and we do not all worship the same, that does not mean we don't believe or are to be called names just because of that. I realize to accept God in His full magnificence is a tough task and even those dressed in rags may share a speck of truth for us all. The truth about why I have not found a church is long and complicated and some you have seen. Christ told me to go into my closet to pray and to say His prayer when I did, Matt.6. I was remonstrated from going to organized churches as not to associate with those that make a show of their religion.Honestly, I do not trust people or their institutions or on a limited basis. I am not social, crowds irritate me and posers really do, though I am fiercely loyal to my few friends, few for a reason, I am a battle weary lobo goat. I know how Christ felt when Judas turned on Him, I have been betrayed, robbed, and used by my fellow man. They are forgiven, I must gain mine through Christ and I have a long way to go still. I know that I would have long ceased to exist if not for Him and His steady unwaivering Hand that held mine when my grip was weakened by the forces of life. I know He has a purpose for me and I search daily for it in His name. " Be Not Afraid", I am not, thanks to Him!

8:45 PM  

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