New Sunday
Well after a week we have seen some fabulous posting lets keep it up! I suggested the first area of study so I ask the other contributers if they have a particular study area or chapter or book they would like to discuss. Personally with the creationism vs Darwinism debate raging in our schools perhaps we should visit Genesis and the Torah as a whole as I was inspired by Rabbi Lapin's article I linked and dicussed yesterday in the Barnyard and I have been reading alot in the Old Testament of late in that deeper search for understanding of our world today. Karen would you like to start the next study session? And then we'll start a weekly rotation and try to maintain some continuity if this is ok with y'all. If any of y'all know a Pastor, Father or Rabbi that would like to join the discussion point them to me. I have zero experience running a Bible Study and am more of a student seeking teachers than a teacher seeking students.
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