My apologies for not posting in a while, I have been at Pastor Tim's site where we exchanged apololgies and agreed to work towards furthering the Lord. We arrived on different boats with different journeys to Him. The important thing is we both believe Christ is our Savior. I hope he and his wife will become active participants here as I intend to be one there. I have learned much in our heated debate and I hope my readers will venture over to his page as well. I love to discuss apologetics and how to advance The Good Word. Tim is hardcore evangelical, I am evangelical lite, freewill Christian that hates being told what to do, Scots-Irish blood. My point is we should not dwell on how we interpret the Lord's word rather that we should join to fight for it as many continue their attacks on us. United, we stand, divided , we fall. I don't like to fall!!!! Warriors for Christ must mount up and prepare!